Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Practical Health Solutions for Men

Think men are DIFFERENT these days?  You’re right!
Unfortunately, their hormonal health is not what it used to be.  Testosterone levels in men are now 20% lower—and their estradiol levels 40% higher—than they were just 20 years ago.  A combination of physical and mental stress, poor dietary choices, physiological deficiencies, exposure to environmental chemicals and a lack of physical activity are the major reasons why. 

After working with hundreds of men restore and rebalance their hormonal levels over the past 15 years, I have learned that there isn’t an easy or magical solution.  So don't fall for the HYPE!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a prescription, over-the-counter or herbal formula, testosterone replacement products WILL NOT address the true, underlying cause (or causes) of your male hormone problems.  In fact, their use can create even MORE problems for you to deal with.  Did you know that they will able increase your male estrogen levels, but will actually shut down your body’s natural ability to produce its own hormones. 

Fortunately, there are a few simple and scientifically-proven steps that men can take to dramatically improve their hormonal health and well-being.  


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