Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Low Testosterone: Like Money in the Bank

A man's testosterone levels are an indicator of his his youthful vigor and vitality. They are very high for most men in their late teens and twenties and as we live longer, we find that hormone levels begin to decline.

The fallacy is the fact that while hormone levels decline as we get older it is not age that is the problem for most men. In working with thousands of men the effects of cellular aging on testosterone only really start to play a role once we get into our 70's. Until then hormone imbalances are almost never caused by age and disease but due to lifestyle, environmental issues and nutritional depletion.

Think of your hormone levels as money in the bank, set up in trust. You are genetically gifted with a certain amount in your youth and as you live you continually make withdrawals until one day the bank sends you notice that funds are running low. The signs could be among others decrease libido, loss of morning erections, difficulty gaining muscle or increased belly fat, and mood related problems.

In the professional athletes we work with, sometime in their early to mid thirties, the signs are that they begin to experience poor recovery, loss of reaction time, decreased visual acuity and balance and slowed foot speed. And in fact, reducing or reversing these athletic death signs are the real benefits that athletes receive who take "steroids"!

The problem is that we assumed when we were young that since we could do, eat and drink anything and still gain muscle, sleep well and have crazy sex that the testosterone in our bank account was endless. So we never bothered to make a deposit back into the our hormone account. We took little notice of the foods we ate, the toxins we took into our body, our stress levels and important nutrients such as vitamin D, essential fatty acids, minerals. 

The mission of this blog and the power of the hormone restoration program is to make you aware that you need to know your back account balance (hormone levels) and that the solution to healthy balance for almost all men is not to borrow money at high interest that you will never be able to pay back (testosterone injections or creams) but teach you how to handle your money (lifestyle, diet etc) so you can save money and rebuild up your testosterone back account!


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