Thursday, April 28, 2011

Is it Low T?

There are very few real problems these days that you can truly thank the pharmaceutical industry for but one of them is creating an awareness of male testosterone issues and in doing so moving it from the concern of a small group of longevity oriented, European trained physician to that of mass market appeal. . 
Up until the turn of the century, low testosterone and male erectile issues were neglected and overlooked. The only testosterone treatment that did exist was off patent injections and topical hormones formulated by compounded pharmacists. With no money to be made by the pharmaceutical industry, there was little mass marketing of the problem and therefore only a very small percent of men whose suffered from hypogonadism (very low testosterone levels) ever were even considered for treatment. 

But with the introduction and with the spectacular debut and subsequent windfall of Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, a whole new market for pharmaceuticals for men's health was launched. Over the years, this has been followed-up by the release of the first commercial topical testosterone product, Androgel, leading up to the successful "Is it Low T?".  The combined effects of the growing marketing awareness, continual decreases in the populations hormone levels and great interest in anti-aging by baby boomers has led testosterone replacement to  become one of the fastest-growing therapies prescribed in the $80 billion-a-year anti-aging market. Even today, while lifestyle meds for ED have seen a market share decline, testosterone therapy is still growing! 

In my experience as a physician, I have come to sadly recognize that the pharmaceutical industry, for the most, is ALL about the bottom dollar. So, while testosterone issues were ignored for many years, once the cat was out of the bag all best were off.  Once very strict criteria were set on testosterone replacement, but now anyone with slightly reduced levels seems like they can easily get themselves a script for a lifelong commitment to testosterone, testicular shrinkage and most likely increased levels of estrogen. Man boobs anyone?  

My point is that now conventional doctors and the pharmaceutical companies have a hammer, it is very easy  to make every tired, overweight, man with some hormonal issue look like a nail.  While millions and millions of men truly do suffer from hormonal imbalance, only a very small percentage of men actually have  hypogonadism (serum total testosterone levels less than 300mg/ml) and most of these are over the age of 75. 

And that is the problem, just because men are now aware that low testosterone and male hormonal imbalance is recognized as an issue does not mean that the solution is topical testosterone. Individualized modifications in lifestyle, diet, and physical activity, replacement of common nutrient deficiencies such as vitamin D, essential fatty acids and certain minerals, removal of environmental estrogens and select use of herbal formulas and super foods are much more powerful and health-enhancing.

For more information about my "real-world" tested clinically proven hormonal restoration program, please contact me at or click here.


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