Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Nitric Oxide: The Key to Unlocking Your Health and Performance Potential

One of the most powerful features of the Core 4 Nutrition Program is its measurability.  The use of nutritional supplements can contribute to significant, long-term health and fitness improvements.  But to be useful, these results must be measurable.  Otherwise, it’s difficult—if not impossible—to know if you are taking the correct amount of the right nutrients.

In assessing the nutritional status of hundreds of active men and women, we have learned about the critical importance of nitric oxide or NO—a powerful molecule that promotes, protects, and preserves cellular health.  In fact, nitric oxide is the key player responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to every cell, tissue, and organ system in the body.  Low NO levels have been linked to poor performance and the onset of many chronic diseases.   

NO protects and strengthens the heart and vascular system.  

While many factors contribute to cardiovascular disease, vascular health depends upon an adequate NO supply.  A nitric oxide deficiency will lead to reduced blood flow and tissue oxygenation; and to increased inflammation and free radical activity which will damage and disrupt the functional capacity of the cells.  Nitric oxide works to protect the heart and vessels on a cellular level, preventing degeneration and disease.

And the benefits of NO don’t stop there.  This "miracle molecule" will:

• Strengthen your immune system by attacking and killing unwanted bacteria
• Improve your digestion
• Limit the swelling and pain of arthritis
• Calm the inflammation of asthma
• Enhance wound healing
• Protect your bones from osteoporosis
• Limit skin damage from over exposure to the sun
• Promote deeper, more restful sleep
• Improve your mood and memory
• Act as a powerful antioxidant
• Reduce the risk of diabetes and its complications
• Allow for an easier adaption to low oxygen at high altitudes

For athletes, NO provides a proven performance edge. 

During the summer of 2012, many Olympic athletes were talking and tweeting about their use of beet juice as a performance enhancer.  Beets are very rich in nitrates which are converted to nitric oxide. And increased NO levels have been scientifically shown to enhance athletic performance and endurance—even among athletes who were already fit and healthy.  This makes sense given that nitric oxide contributes directly to improved blood flow, oxygen delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity, power output, and muscle growth.

What’s your NO level?  You don’t have to guess! 

Use the at-home, salivary assessments included in the program to measure your nitric oxide levels and monitor how they change with targeted, nutrient support.

How does the NO assessment work?

All that’s required is a single drop of saliva, placed on an NO assessment strip upon waking.  The reagent on the strip will change color based on the amount of nitrates present in your saliva, revealing the status of your body’s NO supply.

Here’s the best part: 

With the right nutrient intervention in place, optimizing your NO level can be quick and easy!

Take the next step toward improved health and performance now.

Click here to download a free, 35-page guide that will provide you with all the information you’ll need to optimize your NO level—and to look, feel, and perform at your peak.

In Good Health,

Rick Cohen, M.D.
Core 4 Nutrition
Targeted Solutions for Optimal Health and Performance


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